Learn, See, Practice, Do, Maintain

Previous Show Notes I
55. Containment for Ranch, Farm, and Stabled Animals
56. Fences and Gates
57. Fence Materials
58. Species Considerations for Enclosures: Horses and Cattle
59. Species Considerations for Enclosures: Small Ruminants and Swine
60. Barns, Stalls, and Three-Sided Sheds: Horses and Cattle
61. Barns, Stalls, and Three-Sided Sheds: Small Ruminants and Swine
63. Poultry Housing and Enclosures
64. Industrial Farm Animal Production
65. Terminology and Construction of Ropes
66. Maintenance of Ropes and Leather Animal Handling Equipment
67. Knots, Bends, and Hitches for Animal Handlers
68. Using a Lariat
69. The Domestication of Horses and Their Role in Developing Civilization
70. Natural Behavior of the Horse
73. Safety for Horses Being Handled
75. Tacking Up for Horseback Riding
76. Mounting and Position in the Saddle
77. Trail Riding and Arena Riding
78. Transmissible Diseases of Horses
79. General Considerations in Approaching and Catching Horses
80. Catching Horses in Stalls, Pastures, and Special Situations
81. Horseback Riding Tack: Halters, Lead Ropes, and Saddles
82. Bridles, Hackamores, Reins, Bits, and Rider Aids
83. Horse Harnesses
84. Tying Horses, Restraint by Distraction, and Lifting Feet
85. Moving Horses
86. Environmental Protection and Handling for Medical Procedures for Horses
87. Use of Rectal Thermometers and Administration of Oral and Eye Medications for Horses
88. Special Equipment for Horses: Twitches, Hobbles, and Feedbags
89. Trailering Horses: Loading
90. Trailering Horses: Hauling and Unloading
91. Domestication and Behavior of Donkeys
92. Handling Donkeys and Mules
93. Domestication and Natural Behavior of Cattle
94. Safety Considerations for Cattle Handlers
95. Safety Considerations for Cattle
96. Zoonotic Diseases of Cattle and Sanitary Practices
97. Catching Cattle and Training Cattle to be Handled
98. Handling Equipment and Facilities for Cattle
99. Squeeze Chutes, Headgates, and Loading and Unloading Chutes
100. Optional Cattle Handling and Restraint Facilities
101. Moving Cattle
102. Collecting and Sorting Cattle
103. Handling Cattle for Medical Procedures: Head Restraint
104. Restraint of a Cow's Whole Body, Tail, or Feet; and Anti-Kicking Methods
105. Downed Cattle
106. Administration of Medications and Transport of Cattle
109. Diseases Transmitted by Small Ruminants
110. Catching Sheep and Moving Groups
111. Restraint of Sheep and Administering Medications
112. Approaching, Catching, and Moving Goats
113. Restraining Goats and Administering Medications
114. Domestication and Behavior of South American Camelids and Catching Camelids
115. Handling Equipment and Facilities for Camelids and Llamas as Pack Animals
116. Handling Camelids to Administer Medications and Transporting Small Ruminants
117. Domestication and Natural Behavior of Swine
119. Zoonotic Diseases of Swine
120. Catching and Routine Handling of Pigs and Hogs
121. Moving Pigs and Hogs
122. Restraints for Medicating Swine
123. Domestication and Natural Behavior of Poultry
124. Safety Measures for Handling Poultry
125. Approaching, Catching and Routine Handling of Small Poultry
126. Handling Ratites and Administration of Medications to Poultry